On November 19, 2018, the Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) released the long-awaited final rules for Oregon’s Equal Pay Law, which BOLI will start enforcing beginning on January 1, 2019. The final rules have relatively few changes from the proposed rules published late this summer.
Employers are encouraged to take steps now to ensure compliance with the new law: audit and analyze each job in the organization; group “work of a comparable character”; identify discrepancies in compensation within each group; either justify discrepancies with bona fide reasons or adjust compensation to equalize salaries within groups; document justifications; update documentation with every raise, performance review, role and responsibility change, etc.
Parity Software is the only pay equity software to ensure compliance, automatically!
Parity Software will:
● Analyze each role.
● Objectively group similar jobs.
● Identify pay discrepancies within each group.
● Help employers determine the validity of those discrepancies.
● Stores documentation of your justification.
● Generate new job descriptions for updated roles.
● Generate reports on your company’s pay equity status.
● Help you manage and store updates to each role, including pay raises, benefits changes, role changes, etc.
To learn more or schedule a free demo, visit www.paritysoftware.com